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Turmeric And Other Anti-Inflammatory Spices

Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or infection and often causes localized redness, swelling, pain, or heat. This can lead to loss of function of the affected tissue. Acute inflammation is usually a localized, protective response to infection or injury. It is designed to heal the body and restore normal tissue function. Joint inflammation, including stiffness and swelling, is a common symptom of arthritis.

Anti-inflammatory foods and spices:

Some foods and spices are considered anti-inflammatory. They can help relieve inflammation and chronic pain. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish, some nuts, and even chocolate are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Research into how these foods reduce inflammation in the body is mixed but promising. An easy way to include anti-inflammatory drugs in your diet is to use spices. 


Turmeric is a bright yellow spice that is common in Indian cooking and can be found in every grocery store. Turmeric has been used as a medicine to treat wounds, infections, colds, and liver diseases for centuries. Studies with reliable sources show that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, can reduce inflammation in the body. You can also contact us to find out the medications made from curcumin.

10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin Supplements - Divinity Nutra

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Ginger is a flavorful spice that is used in many dishes. You can buy it in powder form or as fresh root from most supermarkets. Ginger is utilized as a traditional medication to treat abdomen aches, headaches, and infections.


Garlic's anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to relieve symptoms of arthritis. A little can go a long way. Use fresh garlic in almost any salty dish for added flavor and health benefits. If it's too much for your taste, roast a clove of garlic for a sweeter and milder taste.