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Tips for Caring for Automatic Pool Covers

For anyone tired of manually covering their pool, automatic pool covers are an ideal alternative. With the flip of a switch, the vinyl unrolls by itself, so the water is shielded from the elements, leaves, and other debris.

But these accessories can be fairly pricey, so when you purchase one, you want to make sure it lasts. Check out these key tips for caring for yours so it lasts as long as possible. You can buy automatic pool cover online also.

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Clear Surface

It's inevitable that leaves, debris, snow, and ice will accumulate on the vinyl when it's stretched over the water. It's important to clean them away as soon as possible. The extra weight can strain the vinyl, as well as the reel components that help unroll automatic pool covers. Use a telescopic brush to wipe gently away leaves, snow, and other debris. If water has accumulated on the surface, use a small pump to remove it.

Monitor Water

The water level in the pool is the key to maintaining your cover. Water should be reached around the middle of the skimmer. If it's higher than that point, the reel and the system components may be flooded. If it falls lower than the mid-skimmer, vinyl can begin to sag, causing it to filter all the debris to accumulate.

Clean regularly

At least two to three times a year, an automatic pool blanket to be cleaned to remove chemical residues that may make them more easily damaged. Unrolling vinyl and work on small parts, use mild dishwashing detergent and a soft brush to scrub clean. Rinse it off with your garden hose. If water accumulates on the surface after you're done, you can use a pump to remove it.