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The Right Way to Caulk Your Bathtub

There are many maintenance and repairs that you will need to do when you own your home. These tasks are necessary to preserve the home's value. You will need to replace the caulking around your tub every few years. Many people ignore this task because they don't pay enough attention to caulking. It can dry out and crack over time, which allows water to seep into seams and joints. 

Other damage can also occur such as the loss of tiles and the development of mold. Caulking works like glue, and it is flexible. This is why caulking is so effective as a sealant. Caulk's unique properties ensure that tiles remain in place, and water cannot penetrate them even in moist, warm environments like bathrooms. You can also avail caulking assistance to caulk your bathtub. 

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Caulking can become hardened, dry, crackled, and brittle over time. First, remove any old caulking. You won't achieve a seal if you caulk over existing caulking. You should clean the area with the same bathroom cleaner you would normally use. Once the area has been cleaned up, you can determine what kind of caulk it was previously. It's likely silicone if it is soft and rubbery. 

Acrylic or latex will be used to make harder materials. It is important to know the type of caulking you are dealing with before you attempt to remove it. A sharp knife can be used to cut silicone caulk into small strips. Acrylic or latex caulking is more difficult to remove. You can use a screwdriver to scrape it off, heat it with a heat gun or apply a special product that softens old caulking.