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Information About Breast Augmentation in Dallas TX

A "boob job" is becoming increasingly popular with women of all ages. However, unbiased information about breast augmentation is rare and most of what you can find on the Internet is collected by one commercial company or another. You can also get more information about breast implant revision through the web.

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What are the reasons women do breast augmentation?

Cosmetics only – Big breasts are often considered desirable

Emotional reasons – often women who really don't feel feminine enough because they are not satisfied with their current specific bust size have seen an increase

Implant varieties:

Modern breast augmentation is done with silicone gel or saline implants. The trend is toward coarse-textured gel implants which are believed to reduce the risk of capsular contractures (see below).


In the natural folds or under the breast – this is actually the most characteristic and modern method of leaving barely noticeable scars.

At the lower limit hello

Through the armpit

Through the navel

Your doctor will discuss with you which option is better.

Implant placement:

Above the Muscle – The implant is placed in the chest muscle, below the natural breast adipose tissue. This option usually provides more projection and is suitable for women who have sufficient natural breast tissue to cover the edges of the implant.

Under Muscle – The implant is placed under the chest muscles. This option is much better for women who don't have a lot of natural breast tissue to cover the edges of the implant.

You can also visit internet to know more about breast augmentation.