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Finest Top 5 Social Media Management Tools

Technology has made business easier. SM tool in the form of applications, plug-ins, and software is here to help you create and manage platforms such as LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, and Facebook. If you would like to hire professionals for social media management, you may head towards

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Top 4 Social Media Management Tools:-


Buffer offers both free and paid memberships. The tool is free to impose some restrictions on members, but only in $10/, you can upgrade your account to use as many as 10 to 12 social media profiles.

There is more than one way to use this tool. You can share and post content by adding a browser extension or using a tablet or smartphone app.


IFTTT here stands for 'If This, Then That, and the mode of functioning is to take action if a predetermined trigger is activated.

Using IFTTT you can work with 160 channels, including networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more platforms.


Using a simple web-based dashboard, you can schedule posts, implementing a campaign to SM, managing engagement, conversations track, monitor competition, and measure the effectiveness of campaigns using analysis and generate reports on all the social media channels.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is another social media management tool such as Buffer and Hootsuite. Like the other tools we have discussed, this one also offers the ability to manage multiple channels all in one place.