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An Image Consultant in Manhattan Can Help You Find the Right Clothes For You

Did you know that the average woman only uses 20% of her wardrobe for 80%? If you don't believe me, check out your own wardrobe and see how many dresses you've worn over the last 12 months. How can this problem be fixed? Get Image Consultant service.

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First, let's look at the reasons why many women are in this situation, then explain why using an image advisor can help solve disasters in your wardrobe.

Many women fail to understand that it is sometimes necessary to redesign their clothes to get their best look. Many are reluctant to pay extra for change when they already spend money on clothes. This often leads to good clothes that don't fit you properly.

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How do we solve this problem? It is best to use an image consultant to take you shopping on a personal journey. How do personal shopping trips work?

Your image advisor will look at you and your body shape, size, personality and lifestyle. She will then walk you through your shopping to ensure that you only buy things that accentuate your body and make you feel great and look amazing. No more impulsive buying.

There are many benefits to using an image consultant, and the lessons you learn while shopping can stay with you for life. Shopping will be fun again and by choosing the right clothes you will not only wear 100% of your wardrobe but will save thousands of dollars along the way.