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Why Your Kid Needs To See A Pediatric Dentist In Lafayette

A pediatric dentist is a dentist dedicated to taking care of the oral health of children from infancy to childhood years. Dentists have the qualifications and experience to take care of a child's gum, teeth, and mouth throughout the different stages of childhood.

At the age of 6 months, children start to get their first baby teeth which are an important springboard for the growth of teeth. At the age of 7, children start losing their teeth, which are then replaced by secondary, permanent teeth. If you are looking for a pediatric dentist in Lafayette then check bozicdds.

pediatric dentist

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Without good oral health, children tend to face oral disintegration and diseases that can bring life to complications. In today's world, childhood cavities and tooth decay is a disease more common than asthma.

There are significant benefits to see a pediatric dentist that are beneficial to you and your child. So! Why does your child see a pediatric dentist in Lafayette?

Additional specialized training

To be a pediatric success, he/she must have trained in this specialty and must have completed two to three years of additional training after four years in dental school. The dentist must also be licensed by the state in which they practice.

Cozy and comfortable

Apart from the additional training, pediatric dentists offer a sense of relief to children, making them feel safe and comfortable. A full waiting room, toys, toddlers paintings, chairs, and child-size ensures that each young patient feels comfortable.