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What You Need to Know About Roof Repairs

Roof repair and upkeep should not be disregarded when caring for your property. When roofs leak, the building suffers damage and becomes more vulnerable to leaks. Mold and mildew can grow in your walls and attic over time, posing a major health risk.

Roof care and repair are essential for the structural integrity of your home, the protection of your property and belongings, and the health of your family.

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Roofs have an average lifespan of roughly 20 years if they are properly maintained. Even the best-kept roof will eventually show signs of wear and tear. Missing tiles or shingles, clogged drains, leaking drains, or leaking roof fixtures are all signs that your roof needs to be maintained.

You should evaluate your roof for faults on a regular basis to keep it in good shape. Inside your home, evidence of degradation may occur, such as signs of water damage in your walls and ceilings.

Regular inspections, at least once a year or twice a year, are recommended by most roofing professionals. To protect the long-term integrity of your roof, replace missing shingles and make minor repairs.

Cleaning your roof also helps to prevent mildew, moss, algae, fungus, and other organic components from growing on it and compromising the integrity of your roof.