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The Trucking Owner Operator Mindset

Becoming a successful truck owner isn't as simple as buying a truck and heading out on the open road to meet your financial goals. You've got to understand trucking if you want to make it work.

If you just go blindly into the world of the trucking owner-operator, you're very likely to fail. To be a successful owner-operator, you've got to think the way a successful owner-operator thinks.

However, to know more about owner-operators insurance you can click over here.

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A successful truck owner must have a different mindset than a company driver has if he wants to be successful. For a company driver, it's about miles. The owner-operator who thinks about making money in terms of miles is most likely going to just spin his wheels.

A successful truck owner thinks about making money in terms of how much am I making per mile. After all, he is paying out for expenses that a company driver never sees- fuel, fuel taxes, road taxes, tolls, tires, truck payment, truck insurance, pm service/oil changes, tires, truck washes, repairs, and maintenance.

For an employee, these expenses are taken care of by the company. But for the owner-operator, these expenses cut into his bottom line. The money he makes is directly affected by the money he pays out.

Not to mention the reduced liability that comes with fewer miles traveled. The more you make on the mile, the less running you have to do to make up for it. The less you make per mile, the more running you have to do to make up for it.

That's what makes the successful owner-operator's mindset different from the company driver's mindset.