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The Role of a Facilitating Trainer

The definition of moderation is "ease a process" or "to facilitate the process". The facilitator plans lead and manage group events to ensure that group goals are achieved effectively, with clear thinking, good participation, and full safety of all involved.

What do facilitators do?

To facilitate an event well, the facilitator must first understand the desired outcome of the group as well as the background and context of the meeting or event. These trainers use a facilitative approach in training.

Most of his responsibilities are to:

1) Design and plan a group process and select the tools that will best help the group achieve this outcome.

2) Lead and control group processes to ensure that:

a) Have effective shares.

b) The participants reach a common understanding.

c) Contribution will be considered and incorporated into any ideas, decisions, or solutions that arise.

d) The participants are jointly responsible for the results.

e) Ensure that results, actions, and questions are properly recorded and edited, and then treated appropriately.

Given the group's goals, preparation for a meeting or event is very important. The moderator's job is to select and design an appropriate group process and develop an effective case program.

There are as many ways to create a group process as there are events that make it possible: it's real art! Group process design is also a big topic and something that professional moderators learn through experience and training.