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Solar Energy Advantages – Practical Strategies For Making the Transition

You've Heard All The Arguments For And Against Solar Energy, Should You Buy It? Many people would like to have a solution for energy produced by fossil fuels, which is a simple and comprehensive solution. However, our energy needs today are provided by a mixture of fossil fuels, but we do not take this into account because it is simply supplied to us by the electric company. It may be time to change our view from allowing utility companies to provide us with electricity at unpredictable costs to produce our energy and restore our independence.

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The advantages and disadvantages of solar energy vary greatly depending on where you live. The amount of direct sunlight the solar panels will receive is still an important consideration. Direct sunlight, at least 5 hours per day, is ideal, although some solar panels are now effective in low light. The panels required to run the house are large and the roof space is limited.


Start with the true cost of your current system. Typically, use your last two years of electricity bills multiplied by 20 (solar panel warranties range from 20-30 years). Although we did not include a factor for the increase in your annual electricity bill, it is not unreasonable to say that in 10 years your costs will at least double. The amount you have now is roughly your current cost of powering your home for 20 years.

To achieve a return on your investment:

  • Start with a professional home audit. Your energy savings will now save thousands when you need to buy fewer solar panels.
  • Shop for the most efficient solar panels, understand the requirements of each manufacturer to maximize efficiency, and combine that with your situation.
  • Some solar companies offer financing or leasing/leasing options.
  • Communities create innovative financing packages to support your transition to solar energy.

These are just a few of the advantages and disadvantages of solar power for today's homeowners. Solar technology is becoming more efficient, using different methods of capturing sunlight and the cost is going down. Maybe it's time to put solar energy on your to-do list. Losing an unpredictable electric bill is a new kind of freedom.