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Planning And Structuring Effective Meetings

Meetings can be attended for many reasons. These include work, leisure, and personal interests. Many people attend meetings on a regular basis. Most people will need to take part in them at some point in their life. Meetings can be held at work, in an organization, in a sports group, with a Parent Teachers Association, or at a church group.

A meeting, for the purposes of this page, is the gathering of people who share the same aims and goals through written and verbal communication. There are so many companies who claim that as an organization you can eliminate stress and save money with our top-quality meeting planning services.

Meetings Service

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Components of Meetings

The following three components can be used to divide a meeting:

  • Content refers to the knowledge, experience, expertise, and opinions of each person who brings something to a meeting.
  • Interaction refers to the interaction between participants in a meeting. It includes the emotions, attitudes, and expectations of participants that have an impact on cooperation and listening.
  • Structure refers to the organization of information and participants in order to accomplish the purpose/objectives for the meeting.

Different types of meetings

Informing Meetings:

These meetings are usually formal because they aim to provide members with a real understanding, to discuss the implications and how to use such information best.

Consultations Meetings:

These meetings are used to discuss a particular policy or innovation. They can also be used to gather participants' opinions on the policy or idea.

Meetings for Decision Making:

These meetings follow a standard procedure.

  • Description of the problem
  • Analyze the problem
  • Get inspired
  • Choose the best
  • Take the next step