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Make Your Own Facebook Messenger Bot

If you have not heard of the Facebook Messenger Bot yet, then you are in for a surprise. Users can send messages to the bot by clicking on the small chat icon on their profile page or by clicking on the option-button that is located next to their profile picture in their friend list. The bot will reply to these messages with a response for the user.

Facebook is a network that has become one of the most popular social networking applications used today. Since it became a network, millions of people have become active users of the applications for web-based communication. Facebook Messenger Bot is using to reach out to these users.  Facebook Messenger Bot is a bot that is programmed to respond to the majority of the queries and messages that users send through the Messenger application of Facebook.

Users can use this Facebook Messenger Bot to send messages and get their responses. Since this is not a Facebook application, you can easily make your own bot that is easy to operate and respond to messages sent by the user. The first step to making your own bot is to get the program codes that will allow you to program the bot with your own customized messages.

Once you have downloaded the program codes that you need to make your own Facebook Messenger Bot, you can begin programming your own bot. You need to follow these instructions in order to make your bot an operational piece of software that can receive and provide answers to questions and messages from the users.

Before beginning the programming process, you must first install the Facebook Bot SDK into your program code. The SDK is a tool that allows the developers to create custom bots that integrate with the official Facebook applications and interact with users through chat.

With the installation process to complete, you should now start to upload your codes to the Facebook website. The Facebook website has a tutorial guide that is very easy to follow. It will help you set up a program that can be opened from the homepage and is free from the Google maps API.

After you have uploaded your program codes to the website, you should now create a new application that will incorporate the codes that you have uploaded into the program. In order to create your new application, you will need to go to the developer section on the website and find the section that relates to applications.

Once you have located the developer section, you should now select the Facebook application option that you want to add. Click on the Create Application button located under the application category. This will create the application and add it to the developers list.

After you have clicked on the Create Application button, you will now be taken to the developers page that will contain the link that is for creating your Facebook Messenger Bot. Click on the Link Here to take you to the Facebook Messenger Bot builder page.

On the Facebook Messenger Bot builder page, you will need to enter your program code into the Make Code box provided. After you have done this, you will need to provide your program code in the developer fields. Click on the Upload Program Button and then click on the Save Changes button.

After you have completed the steps above, you will now be asked to log in to your Facebook account. In order to continue your programming process, you must go back to the developers section of the website and select the link that will take you back to the application that you have created.

After you have created the Facebook Messenger Bot program, you will need to access the project in order to test and see how it functions. Once you are able to view the programs and make changes to the codes, you will be able to move onto the next step to create your own bot.