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Leadership Coaching: An Insider’s Handbook

What is Leadership Coaching?

You could consider yourself to be involved in leadership coaching if you work with someone in a mentoring or coaching capacity. This means that you can raise your awareness, improve your leadership skills, get better results, and close the gap between where you are and where you want.

Who is looking for coaching?

Leadership coaching is a great option for clients who are proactive and take their development and growth seriously. Clients who seek out the best training and support are usually open-minded and high performers. In this reference, you can find the best Leadership Development Coaching In Houston, TX.

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However, some coaching clients might be experiencing elevated stress levels or early signs of disengagement or burnout. Coaching is most effective for clients who are facing more difficult problems or seeking to make bigger changes. Coaching is more beneficial if there is a greater emotional investment to reduce discomfort or achieve the desired outcome.

What is the Process of Leadership Coaching?

There are many experienced and well-trained coaches who work with leaders and aspiring leaders. They offer a variety of approaches. One end of the spectrum is called "pure coaching". This includes coaches who will work with leaders on any agenda that the client has. These coaches might not have the relevant experience or training in leadership or business skills. 

If they have the right training, they can help clients set goals, establish priorities, keep on track, and achieve better results. There are coaches at the other end of this spectrum who are not only skilled in core coaching skills but also have many other qualifications and/or relevant experience in leadership issues.