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How Are Welded Tubes Made

Structural tubing is a key component in many metal fabrication tasks and applications. Metal tubing is commonly used because it provides a great combination of strength with low weight, and affordability when compared to solid metal stock. There are two main types available: welded tubing and seamless tubing. This article will take a deeper look at how welded tubes are made.

What are Welded Tubes?

Welded tubes are a type of structural tubing that has a weld seam along its longitudinal axis. It can be made from nearly any type of metal or metal alloy that can be welded such as carbon steel, stainless steel, low-alloy steel, and aluminum. The welded metal tube is typically available in the following shapes:

  • Round
  • Square
  • Rectangular

How are Welded Tubes Made?

Manufacturing welded tubing on a large scale is a complex process that involves several steps. Metal coil is first selected using a thickness that will later match the thickness of the finished tube wall. The coil must also be wide enough so that the desired circumference and diameter can be achieved.

The coil is fed through a series of dies and formed to shape. This brings two edges of the coil width towards each other until a tube is formed with one edge touching the other. A welding process is used to join these two edges together. Depending on the welded tube manufacturing process, the excess weld reinforcement may be removed at this time. The newly formed tubing may also undergo a heat-treatment process depending on the desired specifications. The tube is then cut to the desired length.