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Expanding Options For Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation

Recovery from injuries and surgical procedures can be a long and arduous process. Every situation is different; Not everyone reacts the same to injury or surgery. The health problem at hand, the scope of the procedure performed, and the desired rate of recovery require unique opportunities for a rehabilitation program that is tailored to each case.

Different rehabilitation needs:

Some patients enter therapy because of injuries at work, whether caused by accidents, suffering from long-term stress and tension, or because of occupational risks. Others have lost some or all of their speech function and are suffering from a loss of oral motor control and ability, which effectively affects their ability to communicate. There is so many physical therapy center in Lutherville such as Cbay Aquapt that help people to restore their life in a better way.

Is Physical Therapy Worth It? - In Motion O.C.

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Loss of sight presents a series of challenges that make it very difficult to make use of the remaining visibility. Others seek rehabilitation after a sports injury or serious damage from a long career in sport. Many people also suffer from loss of bodily functions due to normal aging and stress on the body, or from stroke or arthritis.

Regardless of the cause of the injury, the end goal is always to restore normal function as much as possible to help patients maximize their quality of life and freedom of movement.

Physiotherapy Goals:

Depending on the severity and cause of the injury, physical therapy has a specific goal of restoring quality of life. For example, occupational therapy focuses on restoring people's ability to return to work and making important contributions. The goals of this type of therapy usually focus on topics such as reading or writing skills, preparing meals, using computers, managing finances, pursuing hobbies, and increasing general mobility.