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Dental Implants – Types and Procedures

It is now much easier to get implants to replace lost teeth or veneers to change the surface appearance of teeth thanks to recent changes in cosmetic dentistry.

Differences between cosmetic and general dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is when a person opts to have the look of their teeth altered to improve their smile and general appearance. Although the American Dental Association does not regard cosmetic dentistry as a specialty, the procedures can produce dramatic results.

Restorative dentistry is used when a person loses, chips, or breaks teeth due to trauma, cavities and tooth decay or other natural reasons. You can also get more information about dental implants at

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However, before undergoing any cosmetic dentistry treatment, an individual should know the risks and advantages in addition to what to expect during and after the procedure.

It is also important to know the credibility of your dentist to perform cosmetic dentistry treatment, how much the procedure will cost, and if there are any special maintenance required after the treatment.

Dental Implants

At one time, if a person lost a tooth due to trauma, old age, or any other cause, that space in the mouth was either left blank or a denture or false tooth was put in its place. Times have changed.

Dental implants involve placing a metal rod at the jawline and putting a moulded artificial tooth or crown where the former tooth was. Because the implant is fused with existing teeth, it should last a lifetime and keep your gumline healthy.