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All About The Dry Eyes

Ophthalmologists reported that eye problems associated with dry eye are the main complaint they receive from patients on a regular basis. Dry eye is a condition caused by insufficient production of tears in the eyes. Some people who live in cold climates are more susceptible to this eye condition due to a lack of moisture and dryness in the atmosphere. Premenopausal women also experience this eye condition due to hormonal changes in the body associated with aging.


The symptoms of this condition are the following: irritation, dryness, burning sensation in the eyes, blurred vision, and granules. Additional symptoms include excessive tearing and runny eyes.

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The eye consists of three layers of different tears. The first layer is called Mucus Layer. The function of this particular layer is the production of tears that provide protection from microbial bacteria in the eye cornea thus keeping it safe from infection.

The second layer is called the aqueous layer which provides the eye with tear production content which is mostly made up of 90% water. 

The third layer is called an oily layer. The function of this layer is to prevent the evaporation of tears in the tear film on the cornea that can help prevent dry eyes. If one of these layers is not functioning properly, for example in the case of the oily layer, stop to work well, there is no greasy lubrication available to keep the moisture in the tear film. As a result of this, the tears evaporate causing dry eye problems. Also, the immune system can damage the eye and compensate for dryness in the eyes or lack of tear production by overproducing poor quality tears.