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All About Solar Installation in Perth

Residential solar installation in Perth is the best way to save money and make a positive difference in the world. It is essential that components of the residential solar system are safe and made by reliable companies. You can find the best solar installation in Perth via

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Let’s learn more about these components and how they can make your solar roof system work.

A solar panel is a collection of small dark blue components called solar cells. These cells operate on the photovoltaic effect, or becquerel effect. These cells are made of pure silicon semiconductors and generate electricity when they are illuminated with sunlight.

Solar inverter – The solar panels on the roof generate variable DC or direct current. Our household appliances work on utility AC, or alternating current. You will need to convert DC into AC in order to make use of the panels’ AC.

This equation is where the Solar inverter comes in, which is specifically made for PV systems. The inverter is installed behind rooftop panels and supplies AC power to the net meter. It is compatible with the utility-supplied phase.

Net Meter- The net meter records the household’s power generation. Panels can often produce more electricity during noon, when the sun is at its highest. For more information on residential solar systems in Perth, you can search online.