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A Common Rendering Mistake to Anticipate in 3D Exterior Architectural Visualization

A professional visualization company always offers a review period where the clients can ask for a free revision for anything on the CGI that doesn't meet their expectations. Unfortunately, many property developer companies are not even aware of what they should review. As a result, the review period would not be utilized optimally.

Most companies will only review the basic things such as proportion, architectural details, and materials. Most 3d exterior rendering artists would have done them well. These are common errors in 3d exterior visualization that can make the exterior CGI less appealing.

Unmatched Ambiance

Anyone who sees the architecture CGI will be psychologically affected, especially those who are interested in purchasing the property. The visualization can help them get the deal done by setting the right mood.

3d exterior rendering

Image Source: Google

Sometimes 3D artists fail in rendering the right atmosphere for the visualization. The CGI won't be as impressive if the scheme isn't in line with the property's design concept. Imagine a luxurious, private villa at the top of a mountain with too many colors and a flashy atmosphere. A serene theme is more conducive to a relaxing feeling.

It is possible to avoid this type of error by having a good discussion with the 3D artists before signing the contract. Explain the design concept and the ambiance you expect from the visualization. Even if you have already done this, it is important to review it again when the final images are delivered.